Шрифт Bw Modelica
- Поддержка кириллицы:Да
- Поддержка латиницы:Да

- Версия:Version 3.000;PS 003.000;hotconv 1.0.88;makeotf.lib2.5.64775
- Компания:Branding with Type
- Дизайнер:Alberto Romanos
- Ссылка:www.brandingwithtype.com
- Лицензия: Branding with Type DEMO license By downloading and/or installing this font you agree to the following user license terms: Allowed usage: You may use the font to create products/visuals for testing and/or evaluation purposes only. You may use the font in as many workstations as you might need, always within your company. Not allowed usage: You may not use the font in any products/visuals that are publicly available. You may not sell this font. You may not redistribute this font. You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works based on this font. You may not convert the font to webfont or any other file formats. For using the font to create products/visuals to be used commercially, or personally, please purchase one of our commercial licenses available from www.brandingwithtype.com or contact us at info@brandingwithtype.com Alberto Romanos / Branding with Type Licenses issued from 1 May 2016 All rights reserved
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